$277.00 USD

Every month

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Monthly membership in the Living Fully Collective Group Coaching Program, which includes access to Monthly Group Coaching Sessions, Inner Circle Sessions, Living Fully Collective Online Course, and the private Living Fully Collective community space.

Goal: To reach heightened levels of clarity, energy, courage, productivity and influence as I pursue my goals and full potential.

By enrolling in this group coaching program, I agree to the following:

  • I am committed to improving my life and will participate fully in each group session.
  • I understand and agree that what happens in the group, stays in the group, and I will respect the privacy of each member of the community.
  • I understand that this is a group environment and that I may be called upon to receive coaching within the group session. I also understand that there may be sessions where I may not have the opportunity to receive direct coaching.
  • I understand that there is a limited amount of time each session and will avoid cross-talking with/about fellow members and/or making recommendations/offering advice, so that the session time can be maximized.
  • I am registering for a month-by-month group coaching, approximately two group sessions and two inner circle sessions per month.
  • I acknowledge that the sessions schedule may change from time to time and that I can find the current schedule here, and will be invited to subscribe to the calendar after completing this purchase.
  • I will join the call at the scheduled time and do my best to be on-time every time. I understand that if I miss a session, then I will have the opportunity to listen to the session recording within the online course container.
  • I understand that this group coaching program is about improving my present life and reaching new levels of performance and potential. I understand this level of personal development coaching is not therapy, not about rehashing my past over and over, and not about professional legal, medical, psychological or financial advice, I understand the coaching is focused on what I can do now and in the future to experience more energy, success and fulfillment in life.
  • I understand and agree that my results in life are up to me and that by law my coach cannot guarantee my results in life or business, only my satisfaction, so my coach cannot be held liable under any circumstances for my results or actions. I understand my coach does, however, guarantee my satisfaction with the first 14 days and that if I am not satisfied within that time, I can ask for a refund.
  • I understand that this is a membership program, and that if I choose to not maintain my membership that I will no longer have access to the online resources within the course container, nor the private Living Fully community space.
  • I understand that my membership will automatically renew every month and that it is up to me to notify Julie Loomis at least seven days before the renewal date if I wish to discontinue my membership.

By completing this payment, you are hereby agreeing to the terms above.


Add an Accelerator Private Coaching session for only $99 if you're ready to make progress even faster! This is a 60-minute private 1:1 session devoted entirely to supporting you in developing deeper clarity and moving past any challenges with confidence. (Reg $375)

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The Living Fully Collective Group Coaching (monthly membership)

What you’ll receive when you join: 

Access to Monthly Group Coaching sessions
The next level is powered by courageous reflection, effective frameworks and support from fellow travelers. In these 60-minute live coaching sessions, Julie Loomis will lead you each month through topics designed to elevate all areas of your life – from courage, clarity and navigating change, to energy, influence and motivation and more! You’ll have space to reflect, share and integrate your wins and challenges, ask questions and receive spot coaching. Session replays are included for active members for up to 90 days. The dates and times of these live sessions are subject to change, but you will be notified of any scheduling shifts ahead of time via email.

Access to Inner Circle Sessions
This is your opportunity to receive even more coaching and support. These 60-minute sessions are offered twice monthly and are available to support you in your journey through the Course worksheets. This is an open format that is guided by the questions, answers, insights and challenges that come up for you related to the worksheet work.

Access to Living Fully Online Course
Delve into the worksheets, reflection prompts, live session replays, and additional resources designed to elevate your congruence, motivation and momentum between sessions. Note that this is only available to you while you’re an active member of the program. Listen anytime, anywhere!

Access to our private “LFC” Community space
Stay connected and accountable in this private community space (hosted on Facebook). Get ready to build your momentum as you receive consistent celebration, cheering on and inspiration in-between our live sessions. No more feeling stuck as you now have a safe, supportive community to go to ask questions, get feedback and receive spot coaching to help you move beyond any challenges or roadblocks as they come up along the way. Sharing your wins, challenges and insights consistently in a supportive group space is the KEY to accelerating your progress and integration.

What People Are Saying:

"My coaching sessions with Julie have gone beyond my expectations! As a person transitioning to a new stage of life, Julie has challenged me to rethink many aspects of my life. I have learned so much about myself, things that I didn’t even realize I needed to know. Julie’s challenging but fun and non-threatening style has given me the tools I need to thrive in all circumstances. Thank you, Julie!!"

Linda Goodno

"Life coaching is fun and uncomfortable. It's fun to learn more about and develop yourself, but it's also quite uncomfortable. I love that Julie always pauses to celebrate growth, victories, and "ah has!" But her greatest value, to me, is her no-nonsense communication style. She excels at cutting through the crap to quickly help identify areas I'm stuck, resisting, or avoiding. Because of her encouragement and "straight talk" I'm moving in a much more productive direction!"

Jamie Flora

"I walked away with awareness of some unhealthy negative mindsets that were making me stuck in a lot of areas. I had epiphanies that I really couldn't have gotten to on my own. I'd recommend Julie for each of the services she's worked with me in, Coaching, group coaching, and organizing coaching. It really does propel you farther in the process and quicker than doing it all on your own and spinning your wheels."

Martrice J.