How to Create More Energy in Your Life (Part 2) change chaos clutter getting started habits honor your truth live your truth mindfulness self love success principles

In Part 1 of this blog series, I talked about how cleaning stuff up from our physical space can boost our energy levels. Not only does purging the excess liberate stuck energy and waste less time having to maintain everything, but purging and organizing your physical stuff also helps you begin to...

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Celebrating 15 Years: A Journey of Transformation and Empowering Change authenticity change gratitude honor your truth personal freedom

Woohoo! Can you believe it? It's been a wild and crazy 15-year rollercoaster ride on this entrepreneurial journey of mine! Today, with a big smile on my face, I'm feeling all the feels – amazed, grateful, and pumped to share some of my story with you. Buckle up, folks!

So, let's rewind to...

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I Was Living From My Shoulds Untilā€¦ honor your truth live your truth

I was sharing part of my career journey with someone the other day. Well, it wasn’t so much a “part” of my journey as it was a pivotal part. Before I share what that was, allow me to share a couple background nuggets. I wonder if you can relate.

For many years, I was a financial...

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How Over-committing Drains Your Sense of Personal Freedom (& How to Change That) alignment authenticity clarity comfort zone enjoy the journey facing fears getting started habits honor your truth mindfulness personal freedom relationships self sabotage success principles take action

I’ve been contemplating the concept of personal freedom lately – a lot. There are a multitude of ways in which one can experience a sense of personal freedom, like in doing work you enjoy, taking time off from work, traveling, having no money worries, being able to jump in the car and...

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How well do you know your Self? Could you be selling yourself short? alignment authenticity change clarity comfort zone facing fears goals habits happiness honor your truth know yourself live your truth neuroscience subconscious take action

We all like to think that we know ourselves. I mean, come on. Haven’t we quite literally been the one who’s been there the entire time, in every single waking – and sleeping – moment? Seems like that should mean something, right?

And we have all of our friends and family...

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Have You Lost Touch w/ Your Dreams? 3 Steps to Reconnecting clarity clutter comfort zone facing fears getting started goals habits honor your truth live your truth new years resolutions right time take action you deserve more

I’ve noticed that a common theme has emerged among many of the people I’ve been talking with recently (too many people in my mind!) The theme?

Many people don’t know what their dreams are and they are at a complete loss as to how to figure them out.

I’m not just talking...

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5 Critical Reasons You Need to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone change comfort zone facing fears getting started habits honor the struggle honor your truth live your truth neuroscience philosophy for living fully you deserve more

I think it’s fair to say that most of us have a movie or two that we enjoy watching over and over again, but is that how you want to live your life? Think about it. If you watch that same movie every day, you’re going to end up having memorized every word each character says, as well...

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Develop the Clarity You Need: 3 Actions You Can Take alignment authenticity clarity comfort zone getting started happiness honor your truth know yourself live your truth pillars of living fully

Can you remember a time when you were struggling to figure out which way to go in life or how to handle a sticky situation? Or when you were deciding between staying at your current not-so-fulfilling job where you knew what to expect versus accepting a position at a new company that seemed...

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Who's in your average? Who's in & who's out as we begin to reconnect? change honor your truth live your truth mindfulness moving on relationships

The pandemic undoubtedly impacted who we spent time with, as well as in what form. In many cases, all interactions may have been completely paused, especially as Zoom fatigue settled in. As the situation continues to evolve and we start spending time with more and more people again, it seems like...

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Is It Confrontation or Expressing Your Truth? happiness honor your truth live your truth take action

Have you ever felt like you had something important to express or talk about with someone close to you, perhaps in a romantic relationship, but were afraid that it would start an argument? Maybe it’s something that may impact or involve the other person, or something that upset you during a...

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Vulnerability: Worth the Risk? alignment authenticity honor your truth live your truth vulnerability

Let’s be honest. Being vulnerable sucks. No one really enjoys being vulnerable. In fact, most of us try to avoid even appearing vulnerable at all costs. Just look at some of the definitions:

  • capable of being physically or emotionally wounded
  • open to attack or damage
  • ...
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