Who's in your circle? Here's why this mattersā€¦ blue zones connection influence mindset relationships

We encounter an incredible number of people throughout our lifetime. In fact, I’ve seen it estimated to be an average of about 10,000 people! Of course, that number will vary based on a number of factors, but I’m sure that you can imagine.

What fascinates me the most about this is to...

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Where's Your Time Going? Stuff vs Living change clutter comfort zone enjoy the journey getting started goals happiness live your truth personal freedom present moment relationships take action

It’s Super Bowl Sunday. I tend to be in Costa Rica during the Super Bowl, and this year is no exception. I did finally watch it a couple years ago when my retreat participants wanted to watch. We found a restaurant across the street who was happy to put the game on, so we watched and...

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How Over-committing Drains Your Sense of Personal Freedom (& How to Change That) alignment authenticity clarity comfort zone enjoy the journey facing fears getting started habits honor your truth mindfulness personal freedom relationships self sabotage success principles take action

I’ve been contemplating the concept of personal freedom lately – a lot. There are a multitude of ways in which one can experience a sense of personal freedom, like in doing work you enjoy, taking time off from work, traveling, having no money worries, being able to jump in the car and...

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8 Ways to Minimize Clutter & Finish 2021 Strong accountability calm chaos clutter goals habits new years resolutions organized relationships self love self sabotage stress management take action

Whether you can believe it or not, it’s December. I swear that it feels like we skipped from Halloween straight to December, missing November altogether. Doesn’t it seem like that’s the case every year, though?

Here we are, though, at the end of another calendar year. That...

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Who's in your average? Who's in & who's out as we begin to reconnect? change honor your truth live your truth mindfulness moving on relationships

The pandemic undoubtedly impacted who we spent time with, as well as in what form. In many cases, all interactions may have been completely paused, especially as Zoom fatigue settled in. As the situation continues to evolve and we start spending time with more and more people again, it seems like...

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