In Part 1 of this blog series, I talked about how cleaning stuff up from our physical space can boost our energy levels. Not only does purging the excess liberate stuck energy and waste less time having to maintain everything, but purging and organizing your physical stuff also helps you begin to...
We only have so much time and energy to use each day, and it may surprise you to realize how much of that time and energy can be eaten up by simply dealing with STUFF. Yes, the very act of managing, organizing, and even thinking about the clutter that fills our spaces can drain our precious...
I’ve been working with a couple clients to navigate some unusually difficult situations recently. Each situation has been very different from the other, including the emotions and actions, but exceptionally stressful nonetheless. Perhaps you’re dealing with a particularly stressful...
I’ve been contemplating the concept of personal freedom lately – a lot. There are a multitude of ways in which one can experience a sense of personal freedom, like in doing work you enjoy, taking time off from work, traveling, having no money worries, being able to jump in the car and...
It’s my birthday!
I am officially closing out one decade – decade! – and moving into a new one, and I’m reeeeaaaally looking forward to celebrating in the weeks ahead. I love celebrating my birthday a lot a lot! (No, that's not a typo.) I do a number of fun things and...
Can you think of a time when you blew things up in your mind to be way bigger than they ended up actually being? Like something being much more difficult or taking significantly longer than what played out? I imagine that we've all done that from time to time, right? After all, how can we predict...
So you have some fresh New Year’s resolutions. Now what?
We’ve all heard about how gym memberships and attendance both soar in January. Likewise, we also know that attendance also begins to wane by February (perhaps we even know this from experience!) We have actual statistics from...
I love this time of the year. Despite the chilly days and long hours of darkness, there’s something so satisfying about getting cozy with a warm, snuggly blanket and a nice glass of wine or warm cup of tea. It just so happens that these quiet moments are also the perfect time for...
Raise your hand if you could use a little downtime
If I asked a group of people if they could use more downtime, I have a feeling that most everyone would have their hand up (if not both hands!) Even if you love what you do for a living, have a happy home life, have wonderfully supportive friends...