It's Time For Change & Where I'm Starting

change Jun 08, 2020

The last two weeks have left me with a very heavy heart. It’s taken me until now to send anything because I was struggling to process this extremely emotional situation that is gripping the Minneapolis community, as well as other communities across the country.
I am truly heartbroken over what happened to George Floyd. My words can’t express how devastated I am that this happened in my city. I am heartbroken over what happened to Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others.
We could talk about the injustice. About the damages - psychological and physical, people and businesses. About the strength or the community. Throughout it all, one message rises up: it is time for change. 
And the change starts within each of us. How can I BE better? How I can help become part of the SOLUTION? These are the big, deep-work questions that I have been asking myself - and I hope you ask yourself too. 
While I don’t have all of the answers, the first step is to learn on how I can help support the movement. Below are some ideas and resources that I have found helpful.
EDUCATING MYSELF: There are so many books, podcasts, courses and events by POC (people of color) to help me understand how I can BE BETTER as a white person. I have already learned so much and I have barely scratched the surface. This list of anti-racism resources* is a great starting place.
*I did not create this, I am just sharing it as a helpful information.
DONATING: There are many social justice organizations and community organizations that are taking donations or in need of volunteers. Find one that resonates with you and support your community. There are several options for anyone not in the Twin Cities area too. Here is a substantial list of information* regarding where you can donate or volunteer, sign petitions, and more.
*I did not create this, I am just sharing it as a helpful information.
LISTENING: There are so many POC that have stories to tell that have not been heard. One of the most important things we can do is LISTEN to those stories and to LISTEN to how we can help.

PEACEFUL PROTESTING: If you feel comfortable doing so, participate in peaceful protests in your area. Of course, please remember to wear a mask and do your best to be socially distanced.

To the black community: I am listening, I hear you, and I stand with you. 

To my community: Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you are struggling with how to move forward or if you have questions. I won’t pretend to have all of the answers, but I am committed to working to find them together.

Much love,

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