What's Your Chaos Telling You? calm chaos clutter organized subconscious

The relationship we hold with our belongings in our homes is fascinating to me. After working with my organizing clients for the past 16 years – I've seen it all. I think our stuff can speak volumes about our personalities, values, priorities and where we’ve been. It can even show...

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How to Create More Energy in Your Life (Part 3) burn out calm clutter enjoy the journey mindfulness personal freedom stress management

In this blog series about boosting our energy, we've talked about clearing out the clutter, both physically and mentally. Now, let's shift gears and talk about something we often overlook but that plays a huge role in our energy levels – our SCHEDULES

We live in a world that moves at...

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How to Create More Energy in Your Life (Part 2) change chaos clutter getting started habits honor your truth live your truth mindfulness self love success principles

In Part 1 of this blog series, I talked about how cleaning stuff up from our physical space can boost our energy levels. Not only does purging the excess liberate stuck energy and waste less time having to maintain everything, but purging and organizing your physical stuff also helps you begin to...

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How to Create More Energy in Your Life (Part 1) calm clutter getting started organized release success principles take action you deserve more

We only have so much time and energy to use each day, and it may surprise you to realize how much of that time and energy can be eaten up by simply dealing with STUFF. Yes, the very act of managing, organizing, and even thinking about the clutter that fills our spaces can drain our precious...

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Where's Your Time Going? Stuff vs Living change clutter comfort zone enjoy the journey getting started goals happiness live your truth personal freedom present moment relationships take action

It’s Super Bowl Sunday. I tend to be in Costa Rica during the Super Bowl, and this year is no exception. I did finally watch it a couple years ago when my retreat participants wanted to watch. We found a restaurant across the street who was happy to put the game on, so we watched and...

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Could Clutter Be Costing You This Too? calm change clutter getting started organized personal freedom

As you glance around your home or office, take a moment to truly absorb the narratives embedded within your surroundings. What tales could your current environment tell about your life?

Are there special projects underway, upcoming events, or prevalent themes like family, sports, travel, or...

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Have You Lost Touch w/ Your Dreams? 3 Steps to Reconnecting clarity clutter comfort zone facing fears getting started goals habits honor your truth live your truth new years resolutions right time take action you deserve more

I’ve noticed that a common theme has emerged among many of the people I’ve been talking with recently (too many people in my mind!) The theme?

Many people don’t know what their dreams are and they are at a complete loss as to how to figure them out.

I’m not just talking...

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8 Ways to Minimize Clutter & Finish 2021 Strong accountability calm chaos clutter goals habits new years resolutions organized relationships self love self sabotage stress management take action

Whether you can believe it or not, it’s December. I swear that it feels like we skipped from Halloween straight to December, missing November altogether. Doesn’t it seem like that’s the case every year, though?

Here we are, though, at the end of another calendar year. That...

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