How to Create More Energy in Your Life (Part 3) burn out calm clutter enjoy the journey mindfulness personal freedom stress management

In this blog series about boosting our energy, we've talked about clearing out the clutter, both physically and mentally. Now, let's shift gears and talk about something we often overlook but that plays a huge role in our energy levels – our SCHEDULES

We live in a world that moves at...

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What Kind of Dreamer Are You? accountability comfort zone enjoy the journey goals take action vulnerability

A few years ago, I attended a day-long event in San Diego that was hosted by my mentor Brendon Burchard. The whole day was filled with fantastic speakers, including Lewis Howes, Jamie Kern Lima, Trent Shelton, and more. Their messages were equal parts educational and inspirational. My kind of...

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Where's Your Time Going? Stuff vs Living change clutter comfort zone enjoy the journey getting started goals happiness live your truth personal freedom present moment relationships take action

It’s Super Bowl Sunday. I tend to be in Costa Rica during the Super Bowl, and this year is no exception. I did finally watch it a couple years ago when my retreat participants wanted to watch. We found a restaurant across the street who was happy to put the game on, so we watched and...

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How Over-committing Drains Your Sense of Personal Freedom (& How to Change That) alignment authenticity clarity comfort zone enjoy the journey facing fears getting started habits honor your truth mindfulness personal freedom relationships self sabotage success principles take action

I’ve been contemplating the concept of personal freedom lately – a lot. There are a multitude of ways in which one can experience a sense of personal freedom, like in doing work you enjoy, taking time off from work, traveling, having no money worries, being able to jump in the car and...

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Turning the Noise Off - Why You Need to Take Time for Yourself calm chaos clarity enjoy the journey habits happiness journaling live your truth mindfulness present moment self love

A while back, I hosted a virtual vision board making workshop where I shared some of the key steps to creating a vision board the right way. (Maybe you were there!) It was so much fun and everyone had a really great time. I was surprised by the number of people who had never created a vision...

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Beauty, Patience & Enjoying the Journey enjoy the journey forgive happiness mindfulness mindset present moment release self acceptance self love

When I was out on my daily walk the other day, I was feeling especially grounded in the moment as I was consciously appreciating some of my favorite mountain views in Costa Rica. As I went to take a picture (despite already having loads of duplicates), I was struck by a thought:

Why do we tend to...

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Stress, Burnout & the Magic in Simply BEing burn out calm chaos enjoy the journey honor the struggle know yourself mindfulness release self love stress management

Well, hello there. It’s been a while, but, after a bit of a break, I’m back. I’d like to share some of what’s been going on in my journey the past few months. I have a feeling that you’ll be able to relate.

In a nutshell, this year so far has been exceptionally...

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It's Just Too... alignment clarity comfort zone enjoy the journey facing fears goals habits happiness honor the struggle live your truth mindset pillars of living fully right time success principles take action

Can you think of a time when you blew things up in your mind to be way bigger than they ended up actually being? Like something being much more difficult or taking significantly longer than what played out? I imagine that we've all done that from time to time, right? After all, how can we predict...

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Next Time You're In a Bad Mood, Do This... change comfort zone enjoy the journey happiness honor the struggle mindfulness mindset present moment rejection release self love stress management

The other day I was not in a good mood. AT ALL. I was feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and generally pretty darn cranky. 


Even though I wasn’t in a good mood, I was still happy. I was still enjoying my journey. 

I’m sure you’re thinking: Oh, come on!...

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Do You Wish You'd Let Yourself Be Happier? enjoy the journey getting started gratitude happiness mindfulness present moment

How many times have you thought to yourself things like:

When I…

  • get that job
  • finally find that special someone
  • buy a new car
  • get promoted
  • have more money

then I will…be less stressed

then I will…be able to relax

then I will…be happy

What do...

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