Do You Really Want Time to Go Faster? alignment mindfulness present moment right time

Not too long ago, I was messaging with a friend, catching up on our days. I told him that I got a lot of work done that day, had worked out, and that I was getting ready to head off to meet with a client. His response was, “Nice! You are so busy. The day goes faster like that.”


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It's Just Too... alignment clarity comfort zone enjoy the journey facing fears goals habits happiness honor the struggle live your truth mindset pillars of living fully right time success principles take action

Can you think of a time when you blew things up in your mind to be way bigger than they ended up actually being? Like something being much more difficult or taking significantly longer than what played out? I imagine that we've all done that from time to time, right? After all, how can we predict...

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3 Things You Need Today to Make Your Resolutions Reality accountability change comfort zone getting started goals habits honor the struggle new years resolutions organized right time self sabotage success principles take action you deserve more

So you have some fresh New Year’s resolutions. Now what?

We’ve all heard about how gym memberships and attendance both soar in January. Likewise, we also know that attendance also begins to wane by February (perhaps we even know this from experience!) We have actual statistics from...

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Have You Lost Touch w/ Your Dreams? 3 Steps to Reconnecting clarity clutter comfort zone facing fears getting started goals habits honor your truth live your truth new years resolutions right time take action you deserve more

I’ve noticed that a common theme has emerged among many of the people I’ve been talking with recently (too many people in my mind!) The theme?

Many people don’t know what their dreams are and they are at a complete loss as to how to figure them out.

I’m not just talking...

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Could This Be Keeping You From Reaching Your Goals? accountability change comfort zone getting started habits right time success principles take action

I love this time of the year. Despite the chilly days and long hours of darkness, there’s something so satisfying about getting cozy with a warm, snuggly blanket and a nice glass of wine or warm cup of tea. It just so happens that these quiet moments are also the perfect time for...

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