How to Create More Energy in Your Life (Part 2) change chaos clutter getting started habits honor your truth live your truth mindfulness self love success principles

In Part 1 of this blog series, I talked about how cleaning stuff up from our physical space can boost our energy levels. Not only does purging the excess liberate stuck energy and waste less time having to maintain everything, but purging and organizing your physical stuff also helps you begin to...

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The Cost of 'Good Enough': 7 Simple Shifts for Greater Success getting started goals good enough mindfulness mindset self love you deserve more

Whether it’s from clients or friends, I hear the phrase ‘good enough’ far too often. I'm not referring to the notion of 'good enough' as a means to steer clear of the trap of perfectionism. Rather, I'm talking about the kind of 'good enough' that results in accepting less than...

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Are you 'really' being self-ISH? calm habits happiness mindfulness self love stress management

I couldn't tell you how many times I’ve had the same conversation with friends and clients – a repetitive tale of busyness, commitments, and the constant rush to meet the needs of others. It's a narrative of perpetual exhaustion and an inability to find time for self-care, healthy...

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Turning the Noise Off - Why You Need to Take Time for Yourself calm chaos clarity enjoy the journey habits happiness journaling live your truth mindfulness present moment self love

A while back, I hosted a virtual vision board making workshop where I shared some of the key steps to creating a vision board the right way. (Maybe you were there!) It was so much fun and everyone had a really great time. I was surprised by the number of people who had never created a vision...

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Beauty, Patience & Enjoying the Journey enjoy the journey forgive happiness mindfulness mindset present moment release self acceptance self love

When I was out on my daily walk the other day, I was feeling especially grounded in the moment as I was consciously appreciating some of my favorite mountain views in Costa Rica. As I went to take a picture (despite already having loads of duplicates), I was struck by a thought:

Why do we tend to...

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Stress, Burnout & the Magic in Simply BEing burn out calm chaos enjoy the journey honor the struggle know yourself mindfulness release self love stress management

Well, hello there. It’s been a while, but, after a bit of a break, I’m back. I’d like to share some of what’s been going on in my journey the past few months. I have a feeling that you’ll be able to relate.

In a nutshell, this year so far has been exceptionally...

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8 Ways to Minimize Clutter & Finish 2021 Strong accountability calm chaos clutter goals habits new years resolutions organized relationships self love self sabotage stress management take action

Whether you can believe it or not, it’s December. I swear that it feels like we skipped from Halloween straight to December, missing November altogether. Doesn’t it seem like that’s the case every year, though?

Here we are, though, at the end of another calendar year. That...

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We ALL Need Downtime (Even You!) calm self love stress management success principles you deserve more

Raise your hand if you could use a little downtime

If I asked a group of people if they could use more downtime, I have a feeling that most everyone would have their hand up (if not both hands!) Even if you love what you do for a living, have a happy home life, have wonderfully supportive friends...

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Next Time You're In a Bad Mood, Do This... change comfort zone enjoy the journey happiness honor the struggle mindfulness mindset present moment rejection release self love stress management

The other day I was not in a good mood. AT ALL. I was feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and generally pretty darn cranky. 


Even though I wasn’t in a good mood, I was still happy. I was still enjoying my journey. 

I’m sure you’re thinking: Oh, come on!...

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Are You Taking Your Emotions at Face Value? change comfort zone habits journaling know yourself mindfulness neuroscience self love

We’ve all been through phases and events in life that have left us feeling a less than desirable way. Maybe we felt heartbroken and hopeless as our marriage or a significant relationship ended, or had that deflated, unworthy feeling when the promotion we wholeheartedly believed was ours...

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Dear Reader, this is what I want for YOU alignment authenticity live your truth mindset self acceptance self love take action

I woke up the other day feeling a deep sense of love. I felt almost giddy with love. There was no particular reason driving how I felt – no person, no event, no memory, not even a song or scene from a movie. I simply felt love.

As I got my day started, I began to ponder what was creating...

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