How to Create More Energy in Your Life (Part 1) calm clutter getting started organized release success principles take action you deserve more

We only have so much time and energy to use each day, and it may surprise you to realize how much of that time and energy can be eaten up by simply dealing with STUFF. Yes, the very act of managing, organizing, and even thinking about the clutter that fills our spaces can drain our precious...

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Could Clutter Be Costing You This Too? calm change clutter getting started organized personal freedom

As you glance around your home or office, take a moment to truly absorb the narratives embedded within your surroundings. What tales could your current environment tell about your life?

Are there special projects underway, upcoming events, or prevalent themes like family, sports, travel, or...

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3 Things You Need Today to Make Your Resolutions Reality accountability change comfort zone getting started goals habits honor the struggle new years resolutions organized right time self sabotage success principles take action you deserve more

So you have some fresh New Year’s resolutions. Now what?

We’ve all heard about how gym memberships and attendance both soar in January. Likewise, we also know that attendance also begins to wane by February (perhaps we even know this from experience!) We have actual statistics from...

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8 Ways to Minimize Clutter & Finish 2021 Strong accountability calm chaos clutter goals habits new years resolutions organized relationships self love self sabotage stress management take action

Whether you can believe it or not, it’s December. I swear that it feels like we skipped from Halloween straight to December, missing November altogether. Doesn’t it seem like that’s the case every year, though?

Here we are, though, at the end of another calendar year. That...

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What's Your Chaos Telling You? calm chaos clutter organized subconscious

The personal relationship we hold with our stuff in our house is very fascinating. I think our stuff can speak volumes as to who we are, what we value, where we’ve been and even about what’s going on in our lives right now.


Take a look around your house right now. What...

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