Do You Really Want Time to Go Faster? alignment mindfulness present moment right time

Not too long ago, I was messaging with a friend, catching up on our days. I told him that I got a lot of work done that day, had worked out, and that I was getting ready to head off to meet with a client. His response was, “Nice! You are so busy. The day goes faster like that.”


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How to Create More Energy in Your Life (Part 3) burn out calm clutter enjoy the journey mindfulness personal freedom stress management

In this blog series about boosting our energy, we've talked about clearing out the clutter, both physically and mentally. Now, let's shift gears and talk about something we often overlook but that plays a huge role in our energy levels – our SCHEDULES

We live in a world that moves at...

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How to Create More Energy in Your Life (Part 2) change chaos clutter getting started habits honor your truth live your truth mindfulness self love success principles

In Part 1 of this blog series, I talked about how cleaning stuff up from our physical space can boost our energy levels. Not only does purging the excess liberate stuck energy and waste less time having to maintain everything, but purging and organizing your physical stuff also helps you begin to...

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How to Create More Energy in Your Life (Part 1) calm clutter getting started organized release success principles take action you deserve more

We only have so much time and energy to use each day, and it may surprise you to realize how much of that time and energy can be eaten up by simply dealing with STUFF. Yes, the very act of managing, organizing, and even thinking about the clutter that fills our spaces can drain our precious...

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5 Powerful Practices to Reduce Stress & Build Resilience gratitude journaling meditation stress management success principles

I’ve been working with a couple clients to navigate some unusually difficult situations recently. Each situation has been very different from the other, including the emotions and actions, but exceptionally stressful nonetheless. Perhaps you’re dealing with a particularly stressful...

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The Cost of 'Good Enough': 7 Simple Shifts for Greater Success getting started goals good enough mindfulness mindset self love you deserve more

Whether it’s from clients or friends, I hear the phrase ‘good enough’ far too often. I'm not referring to the notion of 'good enough' as a means to steer clear of the trap of perfectionism. Rather, I'm talking about the kind of 'good enough' that results in accepting less than...

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What Have You Been Affirming? 3 Steps You Can Take for Better Results affirmations change mindfulness subconscious wording

When you hear the phrase “saying affirmations,” what comes to mind? Perhaps a vision of someone looking in the mirror and telling themselves they’re good enough and that people like them, like in old SNL skits with the Stewart Smalley character?

I know that there are many people...

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What Kind of Dreamer Are You? accountability comfort zone enjoy the journey goals take action vulnerability

A few years ago, I attended a day-long event in San Diego that was hosted by my mentor Brendon Burchard. The whole day was filled with fantastic speakers, including Lewis Howes, Jamie Kern Lima, Trent Shelton, and more. Their messages were equal parts educational and inspirational. My kind of...

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"I Can't Believe I Hung Onto That For So Long" forgive moving on release

“I can’t believe I hung onto this for so long.”

What does that mean for you?

I worked with a client, let’s call her Nicole, over the course of a few years. We organized and coached together, and she even attended one of my retreats. She put a lot of effort into making some...

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Is Your Fear Standing in the Way of Your Happiness? comfort zone facing fears roadmap

As a life coach, I’m regularly delving into discussion with people on how to reach deeper levels of success and happiness. And you know what theme seems to keep popping up in these conversations? Fear.

Fear comes in many forms, and can get in the way of happiness for many. We may have fears...

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Who's in your circle? Here's why this mattersā€¦ blue zones connection influence mindset relationships

We encounter an incredible number of people throughout our lifetime. In fact, I’ve seen it estimated to be an average of about 10,000 people! Of course, that number will vary based on a number of factors, but I’m sure that you can imagine.

What fascinates me the most about this is to...

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Where's Your Time Going? Stuff vs Living change clutter comfort zone enjoy the journey getting started goals happiness live your truth personal freedom present moment relationships take action

It’s Super Bowl Sunday. I tend to be in Costa Rica during the Super Bowl, and this year is no exception. I did finally watch it a couple years ago when my retreat participants wanted to watch. We found a restaurant across the street who was happy to put the game on, so we watched and...

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