Who's in your average? Who's in & who's out as we begin to reconnect? change honor your truth live your truth mindfulness moving on relationships

The pandemic undoubtedly impacted who we spent time with, as well as in what form. In many cases, all interactions may have been completely paused, especially as Zoom fatigue settled in. As the situation continues to evolve and we start spending time with more and more people again, it seems like...

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Are You Taking Your Emotions at Face Value? change comfort zone habits journaling know yourself mindfulness neuroscience self love

We’ve all been through phases and events in life that have left us feeling a less than desirable way. Maybe we felt heartbroken and hopeless as our marriage or a significant relationship ended, or had that deflated, unworthy feeling when the promotion we wholeheartedly believed was ours...

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It's Time For Change & Where I'm Starting change

The last two weeks have left me with a very heavy heart. It’s taken me until now to send anything because I was struggling to process this extremely emotional situation that is gripping the Minneapolis community, as well as other communities across the country.
I am truly heartbroken...

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